Just a short post today, not so much because it’s Holy Week as because it’s my work day to get little chores taken care of.

Luther Seminary LibraryA couple of weeks ago, Dwight DuBois of the Center for Renewal posted that he had been talking with a seminary president about the future of seminary education and inspired me to post a summary of my undergraduate thesis comparing 4 year M.Div. pastors with alternate track pastors in the Lutheran Church.

The long and the short of what I found is that the alternate track (TEEM) pastors tend to last longer in calls because they are better connected with the people they’re serving, and that they tend to feel more comfortable about their preparation in nearly every area but youth ministry and sermon writing.

Dwight also posted in response to his conversation and my comments on the Center for Renewal Blog here.

Check the summary link above or at the bottom of the post for more of my work. I would also love to share the full thesis with anyone interested.

It has been used by seminaries in improving their programs, but I am always a fan of disseminating information more broadly.

I would love to hear anyone’s personal experience too!

Executive Summary: http://ow.ly/1n6gX

Four-year MDiv for pastors going the way of the Dodo?: